CHAPTER 3 - Teaching Plan

Teaching Plan

3.1 Curriculum
    The curriculum used in Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University (VRU) Demonstration School is based on The Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E 2551 (A.D. 2008), from the Minister of Education in Thailand. The content of Curriculum for General Science is:
Strand 3: Substances and Properties of Substances
Standard Sc3.1:
Understanding of properties of substances; the relationship between properties of substances and structures and binding forces between particles; having an investigative process for seeking knowledge and scientific reasoning, and communicating acquired knowledge that could be applied for useful purposes.

Standard Sc3.2:
Understanding of principles and nature of change in the state of substances; solution formation; chemical reaction; having an investigative process for seeking knowledge and scientific reasoning, and communicating acquired knowledge that could be applied for useful purposes.

And you can see the file here :

3.2 Teaching Plan
        The process of making a lesson plan by students teachers made through a manual system. Before entering the learning process, the teacher is required to make a lesson plan and send it to the mentor for correcting and suggestion.
My topic is about :
·         The Boiling Point of Pure Subtance and Mixtures
·         Definition of Elements and Symbol of Elements.

You can check my lesson plan, here :